It's the Big, Big, BIG Update of 2022!!

We just released a massive update, in fact it's the update we've been teasing all year!  So what can you expect to see that wasn't here before??

Well firstly there's the assassination mission! New targets have been added to kill, and new stages to kill them on; kill, kill, kill!

New environmental hazards and obstacles to kill or be killed by!

Flame Jets intermittently shoot fire on grated platforms. Even if the fire doesn't kill you they'll probably still push you so watch out!

Cybersoul fires people by throwing "firing parties" where they "fire" people by hanging them by the eye sockets with meat hooks. You can lower the meat hooks and create obstacles for enemies who may be running underneath by pressing the down arrow next to the execution table.

Once lowered however they become destructible so it only gives you so much time to escape. At least firing parties have balloons!

Chaindeliers are chain chandeliers that can be knocked off of the ceiling causing damage to anyone underneath, watch out though that includes you!

New Weapon: Shotgun!

If this new area you'll find a shotgun, the shotgun spreads pellets over a 160 degree range in front of the player. Up close more pellets will hit their target and farther away they might spread completely around it.

Ammo for the shotgun is attained by shooting cyber security with. . . a shotgun! There's also a secondary melee of course.

Best of luck young shinobi!

Files 361 MB
Nov 05, 2022

Get Retroninjacyberassassin

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